Sunday, September 9, 2007

case study articles 2

1. globalization and culture

Globalization (or Globalisation) refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres.
Globalization literally means, "to extend to the world as a whole."

Culture generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Culture can also be called "the way of life for an entire society."

how globalization affects culture:

key questions on globalisation:

2. Environmental and biodiversity, sustainable development
Biodiversity is the variation of taxonomic life forms within a given ecosystem, biome or for the entire Earth. Biodiversity is often used as a measure of the health of biological systems.

Sustainable development is defined as balancing the fulfilment of human needs with the protection of the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future.

About biodiversity and environmental issues:

About sustainable development:

3. Terrorism and war
Terrorism in the modern sense is violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians for political or other ideological goals.

About terrorism and war:,1120,20-6055,00.html

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