Sunday, July 6, 2008

have words lost their impact in today's world?

Words have lost their impact in today's world. How far do you agree with this statement?

Definition: Words= speeches and written material
Today’s world= Modern day
Lost their impact = losing their power to influence

Reasons to why words have not lost their impact in today’s world.

1) Influential people can use mere words to influence others.
- Example: Oprah Winfrey. One of the most influential women in the world, her talk show is being followed by people all around the world. Many believe that she has the power to cause enormous market swings and radical price changes with a single comment. One famous example would be during one particular talk show about mad cow disease with a guest, when Winfrey exclaimed, "It has just stopped me cold from eating another burger!" Her comment subsequently sent cattle prices tumbling, costing beef producers some USD$12 million.
- Example: Quotes. Quotes by people in the past is still remembered and used by people today. Gandhi’s quotes on violence “An eye for an eye makes the world go blind” and “Hate the sin, love the sinner” are still being used.

2) Words can also work concurrently with images to create an impact.
- Example: Use of subtitles. For example, the use of subtitles in news reporting in Singapore is complimented by the people due to the convenience it cause as people can now read off the subtitles instead of having to catch what the news reporter is reporting.

Reasons to why words have lost their impact in today’s world.

A picture says more than a thousand words. With easier excess to the internet for information, people are not easily convinced with plain words that are presented to them. The free excess to a library of information on the internet has led people to question the credibility of words said by either famous people or the news.

During the Tibetan crisis, there was a public outrage over the issue that the BBC and other western media had manipulated reports so as to portray China negatively.

2) A change in the political situation around the world has led to words losing their impact. In today’s world, countries are embracing a democratic system instead of a monarchy system. This means that there is no supreme ruler in a country but rather is based on constant elections for a party to rule the constituent. Hence, words said by politicians have lots their impact as the words said by this political party do not have a significant impact as compared to a single ruler where his words are deemed as the truth…….

3) People are more educated and standard of living has improved. No longer are they easily influenced by speeches……
Example Hitler reign. Back then, there was no television or the computer. People were more likely to be influenced by speeches. This is in contrast to the modern day as people learn better visually and thus are not easily influenced by mere speeches or texts.


webspinner said...
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webspinner said...

looks promising. pls write a full essay so i can grade it!